Pastor Scott Andrews | February 7, 2021 Watch Listen Read We’ve all heard it, usually alongside appeals for peace and unity. It typically goes something like this, “We are all God’s children.” But, is that true? It’s one thing when Oprah Winfrey, or other biblically illiterate celebrities, tweet, as she did in 2013, we are […]
I JOHN 2:29-3:3
Pastor Scott Andrews | January 31, 2021 Watch Listen Read Many of you are familiar with the annual celebration, primarily in New Orleans and other Roman Catholic cities, known as Mardi Gras. Beads, masks, dancing, drinking, parades, and more. The motto of the festival is, Laissez les bons temps rouler, (Leh-seh leh bon taw roo-leh), […]
I JOHN 2:24-29
Pastor Scott Andrews | January 24, 2021 Listen Read I want to begin this morning with a little doctrinal lesson. It’s a difficult concept to grasp – so difficult that an early church father named Tertullian, who lived in the late second and early third centuries, made up a new word to try to describe […]
I JOHN 2:18-23
Pastor Scott Andrews | January 17, 2021 Watch Listen Read Jesus stood on the Mount of Olives with His disciples, forty days after the resurrection. He was about to ascend, that is, return to heaven. He had warned them in the Farewell Discourse, the night of His betrayal by Judas, the day before the crucifixion, […]
I JOHN 2:15-17
Pastor Scott Andrews | January 10, 2021 Watch Listen Read I don’t typically refer to current events in my introductions or illustrations. I prefer to refer to history, long after the facts/truth of events can be investigated and verified. But the last 12 months or so have proven to be a treasure trove of cultural […]
I JOHN 2:12-14
Pastor Scott Andrews | January 3, 2021 Listen Read Some people thrive on tests. They’re the ones who come to class prepared on test day– pen or pencil in hand. Eager to prove themselves once again. The teacher passes out the test face down. These prepared students are on the edges of their seats, holding […]
I JOHN 2:7-11
December 27, 2020 There is a story told of a new pastor to a small, struggling church. He was a bit young and inexperienced, but both he and the church were excited he was there. They had heard him preach, and he was quite good. Sure enough, that first Sunday, with great anticipation, the church […]
I JOHN 2:3-6
December 13, 2020 I grew up in an independent Baptist family. Not quite hellfire and brimstone, but close. We were faithful to go to church Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday nights. I regularly participated in Tuesday or Thursday night visitation, when we would either visit people who had visited the church, or randomly knock […]
I JOHN 2:1-2
December 6, 2020 I’ve shared with you before that our American Santa Claus actually came from the Dutch story of Sinter Klaas or Saint Klaas. The story was brought by Dutch settlers to the New World almost four hundred years ago. According to the story, St. Klaas visits on the eve of December 6, today, […]
I JOHN 1:5-10
November 22, 2020 There are many things that divide us as a nation, but one is quite foundational – it is the very definition of truth. Indeed, what is right, and what is wrong. Both major political parties claim to be on the side of right – so who to believe? And the truth is, […]