Pastor Cameron Lloyd | September 22nd, 2024
The Suffering Servant
Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12
A Study in Isaiah
September 22, 2024
GOOD MORNING; I’m thankful to be standing before you today. If you have your Bible, I want to invite you to turn to Isaiah Chapter 52.
The longer I study the Bible the more infatuated I become with the paradoxes that are seemingly present:
Tell students “God has created an upside down kingdom” — the things we see in scripture seem backwards, upside down to us.
Ex: Matthew 5, poor in spirit (dont receive nothing), theirs is kingdom of heaven, mourners shall be comforted (not pitied)
Controversial one: Our Human responsibility in life and God’s clear sovereign will over our lives
Miracles: Jesus was able to heal the blind, lame, and diseased — walked on water
The virgin birth, the red sea, on and on I could go
Things are written that do not compute in our rational minds — *1804 Thomas Jefferson took a scalpel to his NT and removed everything that was not compatible with his rationalism.
The kingdom of God, the wonderful works of God, make no sense to us finite humans. Perhaps the most outrageous paradoxical, miracle of all is what Paul says in Romans 4:5, that God “justifies the ungodly.”
Hold up that doesnt make sense. What makes sense is that God would punish the ungodly:
God punishes guilty, God rewards good
“God’s power is at its greatest not in his destruction of the wicked but in his taking all the wickedness of the earth into himself and giving back love.” — Oswalt
Therfore the Gospel disagrees — that’s a real problem, disrupts the moral order
The gospel declares: Guilty innocent … Treats bad people like good people
This goes beyond miracle (doesnt it), scandal (of grace)
*Scandal because we know their are guilty people in the world — discussion group post in Evan Class (student ripped me for having too much guilty language — wouldn’t fly in a shame honor culture:
Disagree: Everyone in a sense knows they are guilty (aside from scripture saying we are)
Manifests in different ways: Shifting the blame on another, try to over state our case as innocent
Doesnt mean we have different approaches in evangelism in different cultures — only universal aspect of the gospel is that we are all guilty.
Not a christian this morning — in hearing that God justfies the ungoldy, mystery/beautiy of the gospel:
Accepts the unacceptable
Honors shameful people
Treats the foolish and the sexually depraved and corrupt with royal dignity
Deep down this is what we all want, to have our shame removed. Thats why we try so hard to justify our sin but ultimately realize we fall short.
Isaiah known as 5th gospel. Good reason: Isaiah 53 — well known, (Spurgeon: whole Bible) describes in shocking detail the sufferings of the Messiah. This morning we are going to read a text the exclaims God’s solution for the guilty and ungodly. And if you are sensing that you are far from God, by the end of our time, I pray, you will see the only pathway for you to be saved.
Lets read together Isaiah 52:13-53:12
There are two questions I want to answer before we dig into the meat of this text:
Who is Isaiah singing about?
What the central message of Isaiah’s Song?
About Whom?
One of four Servant Songs (Isaiah 42:1–4; Isaiah 49:1–6; Isaiah 50:4–11; and Isaiah 52:13–53:12.) — poetic prophecies of the chosen one of God — ministry of suffering for God’s people
Side note: disciplined in listening to this text in song form (The Corner Room)
It describes the anointed one, the messiah.
This song, describes the what He will do to redeem His people
*Around mid-17th century, James Durham wrote 72 sermons — me, I have written one. Save you some time: this text is about Jesus — Aside from this text being frequently quoted in the NT, more than others
Jesus is the only one in Human history to have fulfilled all that we will see here. — illustrations will be NT
The Suffering Servant is not Israel (for the servant was perfect, Israel far fromt it, Not Isaiah, not David, not anyone else. As we will see, Jesus is the one that fulfills, has fulfilled, and is fulfilling this text — discuss it
Summation: Important to read the pronouns — “I” the Lord, “he” the servant (Jesus), “we” the servant’s disciples
Central Message? — Substitutionary Atonement
Describes, Requires atonement for sin — Atonment comes through suffering and death
This is where Isaiah asnwers the question of how can God’s people be saved? — been in the back
MPS: God provides what he requires — Through the suffering and death of the triumphant servant, church, all of our guilty stains are removed.
This is what we must keep in mind as we read, rather participate in the singing of this text. Our text this morning is broken up into 5 movements broken up by groups of three verses that describe Jesus’ glorious sacrifice for His people. Our outline is…The first movement describes…
- Jesus’ Repulsive Redemption (52:13-15)
The Exaltation of Jesus (13)
“Act wisely (Prosper NASB)” — this is the beginning of the paradox. In his suffering Jesus was seemingly defeated — mission was successful
“High and … exalted,” — Isaiahs’ escalating statement, not redundant. Going high, to higher, to highest. Serving as an intro to the exaltation of Christ. Speaks of his crucifixion yes (Moses and the serpent), but more profoundly his resurrection, ascension, and his coronation, as described by Paul in Philippians 2:9-11
NT describes ruling with all power and authority — deserves to be worshiped
The Degradation of Jesus (14)
Most people were repulsed, life of Jesus — we cannot miss the awful reality of Christ sacrifice.
“Astonished, mared, beyond human semblance.” — Jesus was beaten to a pulip, not pretty.
According to the gospels, He was bruised, beaten, torn, and crucified — ESV Study describes he was a shocking inhuman mass of wounded flesh.
As we will see, extreme suffering measures his extreme power to make the ungodly righteous.
The Astonishment if the Nations (15)
“Sprinkle many nations (missions text)” — describes the sacrificial system where the priests would sprinkle the blood of the scarfice on the alter or even the person
*Leaper (Lev. 14:7), when they were healed, Priest would sprinkle blood on the individual showing him and the nation that the disease was washed away and he was now made clean.
Remarkable, it made no sense to have our guilt removed this way, This is exaclty what Jesus does. Layed dow his life and His blood washes and make us moral leapers clean.
“Sprinkling” also illustrates further this sense of astonishment — translated “startle”, like begin doused with a cup of cold water
*ice bucket challenge, addicting to watch the reactions
Reaction of Jesus degrading death shuts the mouths of Kings. — awe struck at the sight and the thought of God being murdered and atoning for the sins of his people. This is not how other nations deal with criminals.
But when those who finally hear of this they begin to understand — Romans 10, faith comes by hearing but it must be told to draw others to understand that saves.
- Jesus’ Rejected Power (53:1-3) — second movement describes
In the nations silence, reveals his true worth.
The Power of Jesus (1)
“Arm of the Lord,” prophetic way “God in actions,” that power is seen in Jesus. Doing something, Action — He is the one brining the salvation of God
How do we break the faith barrier? it is enabled by God. We need his help — we so easy make judgments, outward things
The Humanity of Jesus (2)
Though it was to easy to believe in him. Unbelief in Jesus was natural because of his obscure, humble, unimpressive upbringing, and appearance.
Isaiah describes him as a “young plant,” literally a worthless shoot that should be pruned in order to maintain the health of the tree.
Also like “dry root,” didn’t look like he was significant,
Jesus did not come like a majestic King that we all desire to touch or have our picture taken with him. He looked worthless but in reality he was worthy. The worthy one of God that had come to die.
Why did he sink so low? Became like us so we become like him
The Rejection from the People (3)
His appearance lead people to reject him.
Describe here as a “man of sorrows,” — interesting the bible does not say that Jesus ever laughed, but he wept, often.
He was acquainted with grief. He was grieved by the death of his friends, by the sinfulness of his followers.
Doesnt that bring you great comfort knowing that our savior understands our griefs. He understands that feeling of knowing things should be perfect but feeling like their is something missing. That when we experience tragedy or hear bad news from the doctor that youre actually sick and you really are mortal. Arent you glad that our God is acquainted with all the bad we feel from living in this world? No other religious leader in this world has a testimony like Jesus.
And yet, as verse 3 finishes, he was still despised and looked down on. We all would have chosen Brabass
But Jesus was no mere dusty vagabond preacher, he was the one we needed.
- Jesus’ Perfect Body Bore Our Sins (4-6) — third movement
Writes as if we were standing at the cross — we were there, not our sin that required this what did?
Jesus Was Afflicted with Our Disease (4)
“Surley,” introduces the truth that we see spelled out in this song and the gospel accounts.
Verse 4 tells us that the disease of sin that had afflicted us and sentenced us to etneral death, — sin
Remaining sinless, Jesus took our sin upon himself (later, counted among transgressors). What was tainted and dirty, jesus wlecomed onto his body
Man of sorrows but they were ours to bear
Jesus Fulfilled What God Requires (5)
Verse 5 is the nucleus, the center of this song, the cornerstone on which the text stand. (4x SA)
Jesus was Pierced for our Transgressions, not his — Jesus was crushed for Our iniquities, not his
Jesus took upon himself the punishment we so deserved
Fourthly, in a paradox that could only be written by God, it is by his wounds, and his wounds alone, we are healed! Oh brothers and sisters does this reality, one that means everything that we have ever done wrong towards God, is ultimtaly forgiven by God, because God was the one that paid what he required, ultimately resulting in actual peace with God, does this reality not cause your heart to sing with praise?!
Our Wandering, Jesus Saves (6) — doesnt forget us, playing our true role
Why do we constantly stray, brother and sisters? We’re like stupid sheep!
V6 describes our consonant wandering, but listen, oh how we forget,
Jesus has done what we could not do, Jesus saves by taking our place (court room)
*Verdict – guilty, Walks in and takes your sentencing for himself
The blood of Jesus is flowing for all kinds of sinners, “doesnt want you to bear your iniquities a moment longer”
- Jesus Dies in Innocence (7-9) — fourth movement he dies and innocent death
Jesus Was Willingly Slaughtered (7)
V 7 describes Jesus willingly laying his life down to be slaughtered. Isaiah paints the picture of a lamb — in the midst a crowd of dumb sheep, one spotless lamb ascends the atler — though he doesnt bleet or complain, beg for it to stop. Jesus never opened his mouth in defense, never faught back, only he took the accusations and punishment silently.
Jesus Died and Was Buried (8-9a)
V8 describes how Jesus was wrongly condemned and ultimately died for the sins of his people. Those whose hands eventually took the life of Jesus had no idea what they were doing or who they were doing it to. It was just another execution to them.
“Cut off from the land..” is a hebrew way of saying Jesus died. Verse 9 has some striking parallels with the events surrounding Jesus death. He was condmened as a criminal (wicked), and laid into a tomb owned by a wealthy man named Joseph.
Jesus was Innocnent (9b)
Verse 9 aslo unnderscores Jesus Innocence…had done nothing wrong, no deceit was in his mount. Jesus is being described as a person of total moral purity. Which makes him the one and only true substitute for sinners as Matthew 27 describes.
- Jesus Death Was Victorious (10-12) — not picture of defeat, just a man that died
The Father’s Plan Was Pleasing (10)
Death of Jesus, more than human plot, it was the Father’s plan — divine strategy to save the lost
Several Good friday’s, Scott “who killed Jesus?” — clearly the father will to crush him
“Pleasing” because God delights in saving sinnners
Mystery of the cross, look and see a dead man, but he was no merely defeated — “the cross was the instrument Jesus used make his soul an offering to God for the peoples sins” – Ortlund
It produces life in his children, us those who believe
Doesnt explicitly describe resurrection, isaiah prophetic eye see death is not the servants end.
Remarkable this is God’s plan. Jesus’ obedience victoriouslty achieves God’s ancient plan through an act of unfathomable love
The Son’s Righteousness Is Given (11)
“Anguish…satisfied,” as jesus hangs his head, described in John 19, the torment was once and for all completed
What’s remarkable here is that centuries before Christ, Isaiah is describing how we will receive righteousness that is not our own. And it will be given in love, how?
John 15 – greater love has no one than this, lay his life down for friends
Imputed right ness is the only way to salvation
We Share in His Spoil (12)
Military metaphor — what Jesus won in his victory on the cross, He divides out to us his people
Describe us a strong, who are they? The world sees his band of followers as weak, fugtives and fools (luke 22) but through Christ;s work we are made strong and rich in his rightrouness beyond measure
What isaiah fortold has already happened: Apostles Creed, Jesus who “suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried,rose again from the dead” and now is “seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.”
Respond in two ways:
52:13 – “Behold” and believe — be free from your past. Christ is the only way. “If Christ’s sacrifice was good enough for God, why shouldnt it be good enough from you” – ortlund
Ignore it — “it isn’t that simple.” or thrown back into the impossible task of atoning for our own guilt
Unbeliever – admit of your guilt before God, accept his free gift of righteousness. Let him finally take all your guilty stains away. They wont be held against you anylonger, he promises, he has sealed it with his blood.
Will you receive Jesus by faith as your only savior? According to Hebrews 7:25 “he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” hes able to do it right now.
Believer — You know the way. Why do we stay away from Him who has loved us so much? Take all your sins to Christ. Tell him everything. What does 1 Joh 1:9 says “f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Give you some time to do business with the Lord.