April 12, 2020 “Why Do You Seek the Living One Among the Dead?” Luke 23:55-24:12 I’m sure the last thing you want to hear on Easter Sunday morning is more about the global pandemic called COVID-19. But it is undoubtedly a pressing issue for us. So just briefly, by way of introduction, let’s address it. […]
Palm Sunday
April 5, 2020 Today is Palm Sunday. On this day in history, Jesus, a peasant carpenter – a Galilean from Nazareth, no less – jumped on the colt of a donkey, rode into Jerusalem, and turned the place upside down. Turned the world upside down. Will you think about that for a minute? If I […]
February 23, 2020 As you know, we have been working through the book of 1 Peter this year. Peter has been teaching the persecuted church how to live a beautiful life in a hostile world. This was a skill that early Christians needed to learn, and it’s a skill that we need to learn. But […]
MARK 1:2-8
September 20, 2015 Perhaps you’re here this morning, and you’d like to personally hear from God. You’re not alone in that desire. There are lots of people who would like to believe in God, whoever He is. If only He would appear to me, reveal Himself to me. If only we could have conversation […]
MARK 1:1
September 13, 2015 The believers had gathered in Mary’s house in Jerusalem to pray. You see, King Herod Agrippa had begun persecuting the church. He was having believers arrested and in some cases, killed. James, the brother of John, had been put to death by the sword. And when Herod saw that action pleased […]
PREACH THE GOSPEL: 2 Timothy 1:1-2
MAY 3, 2015: Listen online or download the transcript . . .
PREACH THE GOSPEL: 2 Timothy 1:3-5
MAY 10, 2015: Listen online or download the transcript . . .
PREACH THE GOSPEL: 2 Timothy 1:6-8a
MAY 17, 2015: Listen online or download the transcript . . .
PREACH THE GOSPEL: 2 Timothy 1:8-12
MAY 24, 2015: Listen online or download the transcript . . .