Within our Support Ministries, Alliance Bible Fellowship offers specific areas of ministry designed to bring individuals, couples, and families from crisis to community. We are here to walk with you through your journey of spiritual and emotional healing.
Ministries of Alliance are listed below.
Prayer Requests
Alliance is more than just a group of people who come together to worship on a Sunday. We are a real community, and we believe supporting each other in prayer is one of the best ways in which we embody love.
Chosen Adoption/Foster Ministries
The Chosen Ministry at Alliance seeks to provide support for adoptive and foster families, as well as equip people with resources and training if they are interested in adopting and fostering. Chosen Ministry does this through a variety of means, including training workshops, mentors and small groups. Our long-term goal is to see more children in forever families, through both fostering and adopting. Another long-term hope for Chosen Ministry is to engage in international orphan care.
Please contact us if you are interested in adoption, foster or orphan care, or receiving support through your adoption process in any way. Also, if you are interested in serving in the ministry through fundraising, special events, mentoring or any other means, please let us know!
Immigrant Connection
Immigrant Connection offers English-learning support and legal consultation to immigrants in the High Country. There are opportunities for volunteering, including language assistance in the ESL classes and in various administrative tasks assisting Carrie Afanador in her legal work. Donations are also welcome. For more information, email info@ichighcountry.org. or call 828-278-9302.
Women’s DivorceCare
Wednesday, September 1 | 6:00-7:30pm | Alliance’s Depot Room
Are you a woman who is separated or divorced? There’s help! DivorceCare for LADIES ONLY will begin on Wednesday, September 1. We will meet weekly for 12 weeks IN-PERSON on the 3rd floor. Each of the weekly sessions deals with a specific subject that will help with your healing process. Newcomers are welcome to join any time during the semester.
In order to attend, you must register on divorcecare.org. Once at the website enter 28607 in the “Find a Group” box then click on Alliance Bible Fellowship register. We sincerely hope to see you soon.
While a bulletproof vest affords a certain level of protection for officers, an even greater blessing and shield of protection can be found in the power of prayer. The goal of Adopt-A-Cop is to assign every individual officer to a person or family who will pray for them on a daily basis and send an occasional note offering encouragement, prayer support, and gratitude for the service they provide. If you wish to participate, you may email Trish to sign up.
Special Needs Ministries
The goal of Special Needs Ministries is to help children and adults with physical, mental and developmental differences grow in understanding of God’s great love while reaching out to parents who would like to become part of a church family. Alliance understands the unique challenges of caring for a child with special needs and we desire to support you as your child grows in Christ. Your family will find a warm, welcoming atmosphere with trained teachers that will give your child caring, personal attention.
Food Pantry
We provide non-perishable food supplies to those in need in our immediate area. With the difficult economic conditions, we’re currently experiencing, this ministry is called upon by individuals and families from all walks of life to provide needed food items that have become beyond many people’s daily means. The Food Pantry at Alliance is open daily from 8am to 4pm.
Benevolence Ministries
Alliance desires to help its church members and those in the surrounding community who may have special circumstances that prevent them from meeting their basic needs. Please stop by the church office during regular hours to pick up an application. Requests typically take up to two weeks process.
More Than: A Chronic Illness Support Group
Second Tuesday of the month | September to May | 6:30-8:00pm | 838 State Farm Road
A Christ centered group for people living with chronic illness. Find lasting community and fellowship in a safe place where you can lament and be encouraged through God’s Word and the support of others with chronic illness. Our mission is to instill hope through Scripture that we are “More Than” anything we may face (Romans 8:35-37)
For the 2021-2022 year, we will meet IN-PERSON in at the Boone Professional Center (Amanda Cottrell’s Office) at 838 State Farm Road. This year, we will discuss What if it’s Wonderful? by Nicole Zasowski. Participants do not need to read the book to participate.
Contact Amanda Cottrell at cottrellag@gmail.com for more details and to sign up to receive notifications for the meetings.