Partnering with parents to grow fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Alliance Kids Ministry
At Alliance we teach kids how they can know God deeply, love Jesus passionately, and learn to engage people missionally. Because we believe that parents are the primary disciple makers in their child’s life we hope to partner with families by providing discipleship resources for parents and purposeful programs for kids. All of our environments and events are created to be fun, safe, and biblically engaging.


Alliance Kids Sunday Morning
Our Sunday morning programming seeks to engage kids, ages 6 weeks old – 5th Grade, with the life-changing power of God’s Word. Our goal is to give kids knowledge of God that will stir their hearts for Christ and prepare them for lifelong engagement with the church’s mission.
At Alliance, we are committed to keeping our environments safe, fun, and biblically engaging. Each space is supervised by staff members and volunteers that have been vetted and trained to serve you and your child with the utmost care.
Ages & Stages
Little Alliance | (Infant – 4 Years) | 9:00am & 11am
- Nursery (8 Weeks – walking) – We keep infants in the nursery until they are walking and steady on their feet. We recognize that this developmental milestone is different for every infant so we are careful not to put an age limit to our promotion time out of the nursery, however that is typically around age 1.
- Cruisers (walking – 2 years) – Our promotion into the Cruiser class is based on when a child starts walking, typically around a year of age.
- Toddlers (2 years old)
- PreK-3 (3 years old)
- PreK-4 (4 years old)
Kids Alliance | 11am
- Elementary (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
Children with Special Needs | 9:00am & 11am
The Bible teaches us that every person is created in the image of God. At Alliance we believe that every child deserves to hear the gospel and have access to a relationship with Him, regardless of ability. We provided an inclusion based learning environment for children with special needs. Your child will be paired with a qualified one-on-one volunteer who will assist them with inclusion. Click here to request a 1-on-1.
We have two locations for kids services. Our Little Alliance Desk, located just outside the main Auditorium, is for children 6 weeks – Kindergarten. Our Kidzone is for 1st – 5th Graders and is located downstairs next to the Gym.
For first time guests, come join us at the Little Alliance Desk so we can better serve you with check-in and navigating to your child’s service environment.
Children can either check-in at the Little Alliance Desk or downstairs in the Kidzone area. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by either a staff member or a volunteer who will help you check your family in. After your first time visit, you will be able to visit one of our kiosks for simple and quick check-in by using your registered phone number or through the Alliance Bible Fellowship App.
Each environment is supervised by trained and vetted staff members and volunteers. Additionally, we have trained security personnel that are dedicated in keeping every environment safe at Alliance, including our kids service spaces.
As an extra measure of safety, parents are given a pickup tag at check-in that will be taken by your child’s classroom teacher. Once service begins, doors to each kid’s space will be closed and monitored by staff and security. Parents must present their pickup tag to enter into any kid’s environment.
At Alliance we use The Gospel Project to teach kids the Bible and help them engage with the church’s mission. Click the video to check out what The Gospel Project offers.
Stay up to date with family discipleship resources that enhance the Sunday morning experience by signing up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page.
Weekly, 6:00-7:30pm
During each semester

TeamKID is our weekly midweek gathering for kids ages 3 years old to 5th grade.
TeamKID is a fun, high-energy program that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. That’s why TeamKID ends with KID. KID stands for Kids In Discipleship! Each week, kids will explore Biblical truths, engage in Scripture memory, complete take-home activities, and compete in various team challenges in hopes of becoming Team of the Week. Additionally, kids will collectively support the church’s mission through prayer and generosity. Each element of TeamKID seeks to grow a kid’s love for the God of the Bible and His mission.
Each Night will consist of…
- Warm Up – Our welcome time & a quick activity.
- Team Time & Game Time – a time where kids will connect with their team leaders, spend some time emphasizing our mission’s focus, participating in Bible challenges, and competing in organized team games.
- Work it Out – Large Group worship & teaching.
- Cool Down – Our prayer focus for the night as we close.
Each child will receive an activity sheet to take home (also sent out digitally) at the end of each gathering. Kids are encouraged to read the provided Scripture, memorize the key passage, and complete the items on the sheet before the next gathering to gain points for your Team. There are several ways teams will accumulate points during the gathering. The team with the most points by the end of the night will be crowned Team of the Week!
We will have childcare for any nursery age child (6 weeks old – 2 years old) for families that are either volunteering or attending an adult program on Wednesday nights.
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

Our Mission: Little Alliance Playschool (formerly Mom’s Morning Out) is a Christ-centered preschool program for ages one to five. Our hope is to partner with families in teaching Christian values and providing a safe environment for learning and fun. We use play and developmentally appropriate activities to encourage children to think creatively, critically, and independently. We also value independent play and time outside as a way for children to grow emotionally and socially. We recognize that these early years are crucial to laying the foundation of learning for a lifetime, and our goal is to work with families to make that foundation one that is strong in a love for learning and a love for Jesus Christ.
JULY 14th – 18th, 2025

At Alliance Bible Fellowship we strive to teach kids to know God deeply, love Jesus passionately and engage people missionally. Glory Days is a weeklong summer day camp where kids can learn biblical truths, build lasting relationships and learn new skills. Glory Days is for campers entering 1st – 5th grades. We also offer a half day PreK/Kinder camp for ages 3-5 years old in the mornings.
Child Dedication
Child Dedication is the 1st Milestone we celebrate as a church. Here at Alliance, we see Child Dedication as a call for families to commit to being the primary discipler in their child’s life. This is accomplished alongside a church family that is dedicated to loving, supporting, and discipling each individual family.
Child & Family Dedication has two important components: a required dedication class and participation in the dedication service. This class is designed for parents to learn about what child dedication is, explain how our dedication process works, and receive resources that will help them along their parenting journey.
The class is held the week before child dedication during the 9:00am service. Children can join parents during the class or attend Sunday school. Dedication will be during service the following week. A light breakfast will be provided. Child Dedications are held each May and December.