Connection Groups meet every Sunday morning during one of the Worship Services. Join others in similar walks of life so you’re not alone. No need to sign up for a connection group, just show up!
Connection Group #3 | 9:00am | Sundays
For those in the “middle stages” of life, parenting teens, learning how to live in an empty nest, or dealing with busy work schedules. Meets during the 9:00am service in Room 301.
Connection Group #4 | 10:30am | Sundays
Empty nesters and those moving closer to or in retirement. Located in the Depot Room.
Global Focus Connection Group | Sundays | 10:30am | Room 302
Come share with a family of multiple nationalities that is seeking to grow in a deeper, greater love for God, for one another and for our neighbor. Join us as we study through the gospel of Mark.
Cada domingo a las 10:30 am, ven a compartir con una familia de múltiples nacionalidades que desea crecer cada día más en el amor por Dios, entre nosotros, y por nuestro vecino. Te esperamos, estamos estudiando el evangelio de Marcos.

Life Groups provide the opportunity to build deeper relationships with the people we worship with on Sunday mornings. They also enable us to practice what we learn from the Scriptures in the context of growing, trusting relationships. We even provide a weekly list of questions based on the most recent sermon.
How Do I Join A Life Group?
We want to get to know you and invite you to a group that best fits your needs as an individual or family. To do that, we’d like to meet you at a Weekender!