Alliance Classifieds Facebook Group
Check out the new Alliance Classifieds Facebook group for Alliance members and attendees to discuss, ask questions, and to buy/sell. You must be in the HUB to join.
Receive the Weekly Prayer Alert
Are you passionate about praying for the needs in our church? Then consider joining our weekly Prayer alert. We compile a list of needs and requests in our church and send it out to our church family.
Respite Nights
The ABF Special Needs Ministry invites children and adults with special medical or developmental needs, and their siblings, to participate in the next Respite Night. Activities include a large motor area, a playroom for younger children, a sensory area, a craft, a movie, and a light snack. Experienced volunteers will hang out with the kids while mom and dad can enjoy a couple of hours away. Please contact Ronny and Anne Margaret Wright,, with any questions.
Pickleball in the Gym
We have started pickleball classes for beginners again this year. If you want to learn this most popular sport, you are welcome any:
Every Tuesday – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month only: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Every Thursday – 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Every Saturday – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
No cost, just fun! We meet in the church gym every week. Come and make some friends and get some exercise.
You don’t need to bring any equipment. Be sure to wear good tennis shoes.”
For those interested in learning about and/or playing Pickleball, please contact Ric and Donna Dolbier at or at 828 964-2168 with questions.
Bible Reading Plan
Let’s start the year off right and read the Bible together. Here’s a 2024 Bible Reading Plan to help you stay committed to the daily reading of the Word.
Receive Weather SMS Text Alerts
Occasionally, we need to cancel an event because of inclement weather. Be the first to know when an event — like a Sunday morning service — is canceled because of weather.
Support Missionaries
Please consider how you can encourage our missionaries, many of whom are far away from their families and their Alliance community. You can either make a donation on Sunday Morning or click the link above.
Webpage for Sunday Worship Lyrics
We’re introducing as a new webpage that will be updated weekly with the upcoming songs and lyrics each Sunday. This is specifically for those who cannot see the large screen lyrics. Feel free to pull out your phone and follow along with the lyrics!
Hearing Loop in the Auditorium for Hearing Aid Users
Did you know… ABF has a hearing loop installed in the lower level of the auditorium? This extension of our sound system allows hearing aid users with a telecoil to pick up a signal directly from the stage. Check your hearing aid settings to see if you have a “T” or telecoil mode. **Note: This feature is not available in the raised seating in the back of the room.** We also have wireless packs with headphones which can be picked up from the welcome center or sound booth. Talk with Clayton Thornton to learn more.
Ministering to Families with Estranged and/or Prodigal Members
Connection Group 3 meets in Room 301 from 9:00-10:30am. We believe that the devil wants to destroy Christian families. We’re offering a prayer ministry to those who have family members who are estranged from the family and/or prodigal from the faith. Whether you drop in during our prayer time or our lesson, we believe that this ministry of prayer for families in the church is a priority. Drop-in and we will pray for your situation. Utmost confidentiality will be practiced.
Prepare Hot Meals for Our Church Family
Sometimes people in our church family need meals because of sickness, a death, a newborn, or another reason. This is a wonderful way to be the hands and feet of Jesus by providing a prepared hot meal for those who are not able to prepare it. Consider joining the Meals Ministry Team.
Police Officers Need to be Adopted
While a bulletproof vest affords a certain level of protection for officers, an even greater blessing and shield of protection can be found in the power of prayer. The goal of Adopt-A-Cop is to assign every individual officer to a person or family who will pray for them on a daily basis and send an occasional note offering encouragement, prayer support, and gratitude for the service they provide. If you wish to participate, you may email Trish at to sign up.
Need Old Vehicles for Beater for Better
Alliance needs your old vehicle for our ministry called Beater for Better. We give old vehicles to people in need in our community. The vehicles don’t have to be running (we know mechanics to get ‘em running again). If you have an old vehicle you want to give away, email the office at
Chosen Ministry Adopt-A-Family
The Chosen Ministry has a new way for you to be involved in serving and caring for families going through the adoption and foster care process. Through this program, you are assigned a specific family to care for. The commitment is for a year. You provide them with meals, rides, house work, or whatever is helpful for them. If this is something you or a life group might be interested in, please fill out the form. You will then be assigned a family that is the best fit for you. Please consider helping to show God’s love to one of these families by walking alongside them this year.
Listen to Sermons
If you’ve missed Sunday morning sermons and want to listen to them again, we have the answer! Here are ways you can refer back to it:
- On the website at Each Sunday sermon is uploaded to the website with the livestream recording, audio recording, and notes (when given).
- On Apple: Listen on Apple podcasts (older sermons will be backfilled in the coming months).
- On Spotify: Listen on Spotify podcasts.