Written by Courtney Roberts on September 22, 2023.
The Bible is replete with examples of the value of intergenerational, Christ-centered relationships. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Paul reminds us of our obligations to one another as members of the same body; one of the most powerful ways mature believers can serve is by investing in younger believers.
The Mission Field in Our Neighborhood
Located less than three miles down the road from our church, the campus of Appalachian State University provides numerous unique ministry opportunities for Alliance.
College Connection seeks to reach and serve the students at App State, taking a multi-pronged approach to meeting the spiritual and practical needs of students — and equipping them to do the same for their peers. The ministry’s mentorship program plays a key role in this mission.

The Urgency for College Mentors
While all believers, regardless of age, need the voices of other Christians in their lives, for college students, it is particularly important. The college years are a watershed moment; students are forming habits that will likely shape the rest of their lives.
“College students crave meaningful relationships, as we all do,” says Pastor Josh Hayes, College Pastor. “But students love the wisdom and guidance that older, more seasoned believers bring to this ministry. Our mentors encourage our students to grow in every possible way — spiritually, relationally, as students, friends, and co-workers. The experience of an older follower of Jesus is invaluable in the life of a college student.”
For many students, the college experience can be isolating and alienating — especially for those who come from environments where Christianity is the cultural standard, unlike on campus. For others, the sudden freedom — and the responsibility that comes with it — can prove to be a stumbling block. Intentional discipleship under a mature believer can help students navigate this pivotal period of their lives with wisdom. This can be a time of growth in their faith rather than regression.
Become a Mentor to a College Student
Entering its tenth year, the college mentoring program facilitates an average of 70 mentor/mentee pairings each year, including both new and returning pairs. There is nearly always a need for more volunteers to act as mentors.
While events are held throughout the year to gather mentors and mentees as a group, intentional one-on-one relationship building is the foundation of this ministry. Those interested in mentoring (as well as students interested in being paired with a mentor) can fill out a form on the College Connection website, linked below.
“Mentoring is a max impact ministry if there ever was one,” says Pastor Josh. Consider serving the body of Christ by signing up today to invest in a younger believer.
Learn more: abfboone.com/college