Written by Jim Loscheider (Elder) and Jessica Lup on July 28, 2023.
Wise Financial Resources was launched as a new ministry at Alliance Bible Fellowship in August of 2022. Wise Financial Resources provides curated resources by Jim Loscheider, Elder, from various trusted Christian authorities/experts. Twelve articles have been published since the launch, and you can read them on this page.
Our goal is to provide Godly advice and practical insights for financial decisions facing believers or anyone else to tap into this resource. You will find biblical principles, useful tools, practical information, inspiration, and encouragement. You’re not alone!
Ramsey Solutions’ Financial Peace University (FPU) is at the core of Wise Financial Resources. Several hundred folks have taken FPU at ABF since we started offering it over ten years ago. Many lives have been transformed. Here’s an amazing story of heartbreak, hard work, community, God’s miraculous provision, and disciplined, wise decisions being made by one of our May 2023 FPU graduates Jessica Lup. Enjoy!
Jessica’s Story
Hi, I’m Jessica Lup. I’ve been at Alliance for about ten years. I moved up from Florida to work in campus ministry in 2012. Through campus ministry, I saw the need and opportunity for an international student outreach at App State. In 2019 I started up Appalachian International Ministry.
In the spring of 2023, I was prompted to take Financial Peace University at Alliance because I wanted to be better at managing my finances and planning for the future. I’m telling you; it ROCKED my world! So many practical ideas, so much sound advice based on Scripture, and tools that help me to effectively steward what God has entrusted to me. The timing of this class was providential, to say the least.
On May 8th of this year, my car died. Nearly everything I do through AIM relies on providing transportation to international students. I shared that with the class, in my life group, and through my networks. Prayer began by asking God to provide the right vehicle that would meet all my needs within my newly established budget. The vehicle needed to be something I could pay cash for (learned the impact of that in FPU!) and that would meet the needs of my ministry to international students. Specifically, I needed 4wd, 3rd row seating, and a very reliable vehicle. Okay Lord, this seems impossible, but you’re the God of the impossible so… I’m looking to you.
Through the process many people pushed me to consider taking out a loan, but I stuck to my commitment and told them I was a recent graduate of FPU and was determined to do it the right way and not go into debt. I had a VERY limited budget for finding a vehicle. Because of my limitations and required criteria, the search took me 11 weeks! During that time the Lord provided… He provided people in the church who were willing to let me borrow their cars so I wasn’t stranded or rushed into a unwise purchase, He provided side hustles where I could work to grow my budget, and He provided through some generous people who donated toward my car fund so I could increase my budget to be more realistic. Through it all, God was sanctifying me, humbling me and teaching me to trust Him in the waiting.
On July 14th, God provided me with a well-maintained vehicle, meeting all of the conditions I’d been praying for, and I was able to pay cash for it!
One of the things I learned in FPU is the power and ability to negotiate. I used this new tool. I tried to get the seller to come down $1000, but he had another buyer planning to come the next day who had sent him a picture of his certified check already made out for his full asking price. He hadn’t accepted the other buyer’s offer because I had contacted him first, which I was thankful for since the “good ones” go fast! So, I had little room to negotiate. When he told me “No” because of the other buyer’s offer, I said, “well, then could you take $150 off?” He said sure! In that moment, the Lord flooded my heart with the truth that He’s the One in control of all things and I can trust Him. It was amazing and brought me such relief! Even though I didn’t get a lot off, I got some off, and stayed within my budget.
My 3–6-month emergency fund and help that the Lord provided through others allowed me to meet my vehicle need, pay cash, and not be in debt. In a sense, I might be broke now, but I’m not in debt! I now know what it takes to be a responsible steward, work hard, deny my wants, trust God, and follow sound Biblical principles. It may take some time to rebuild my 3–6-month emergency fund, but by God’s grace and mercy, that’s what I’m going to do.
Financial Peace University is life changing. I’m proof that living on less, using a budget, living out of your pantry, setting goals, and trusting God to provide, can be done! Take FPU when you have the chance. You’ll never look at this material culture/world the same.
Thanks, Jessica, for sharing your inspiring and encouraging story. Like Jessica, anyone can learn to overcome this materialistic culture. God is with you, sees you, and He’s the only One who can direct your steps, including the steps of others as you heard in Jessica’s story.
Stay tuned for more insightful information and articles at Wise Financial Resources. Learn how you too can be a better steward of what God has entrusted to you.
In His eternal grip…
Jim Loscheider
Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach – Alliance Bible Fellowship elder