January 13, 2019 One of the challenges we face when we’ve been Christians for a long time is familiarity. We’ve heard the miraculous stories, and they cease to impress, to amaze us. We’ve heard this before – what else you got? And we lose the sense of awe and wonder. Even incredulity and disbelief – […]
HEBREWS 11:23-26
January 6, 2019 We are going to start with a little math this morning. I know it’s Sunday, but don’t worry – it’s simple math. I will simply give you an equation – actually, an inequality – and you determine which is greater. Here’s a little example: 3 _ 2. 3 > 2, right? Pretty simple, so […]
HEBREWS 10:19-25
September 23, 2018 The numbers are all over the place, depending on where you get the stats. The Gallup polls suggest U.S. church attendance has remained about the same for decades – close to 40% of Americans say they attend church about once a week. There are others, however, who suggest church attendance […]
HEBREWS 10:11-18
September 16, 2018 It is difficult to determine the most-printed books of all time, but everyone agrees the number one book, with an estimated 5-6 billion printed, is the Bible. If included on the NY Times monthly best-seller list, it would always be number 1. I suppose the reasons they don’t include it are, […]
HEBREWS 9:23-28
September 2, 2018 While the quote may have originated with Christopher Bullock in 1716, it was Benjamin Franklin who made it famous in a letter to a friend in 1789, when he wrote, “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said […]