Each person that serves in the worship ministry is a leader and takes on the responsibility of embodying these core values and seeking to do all things to the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). This means the goal is not personal praise or recognition, but rather, to work diligently unto the Lord.

Personal Godliness
Each member of the worship team should be growing in their knowledge, love, and obedience to the Lord through regular devotion. This should include reading/studying God’s Word, times of personal prayer alone with the Lord, and growth in other spiritual disciplines such as scripture memory, sacrificial giving, silence and solitude, serving, evangelism, and disciple making. The goal is that each member is as capable with the Bible as they are with their instrument or voice. As servant leaders, we should be both the lead worshipers and worship leaders, pouring out full devotion unto God through music and modeling and encouraging others to do the same.
Personal Excellence
Each member of the worship team should seek to be their personal best in all areas of their musicianship. This means always being prepared and able to play to the best of your ability. This includes extensive knowledge of the instrument or voice and what is required to play skillfully unto the Lord (Ps 33:3) and to serve our church in singing. The main goal is undistracting excellence: a standard of high quality music with the purpose of facilitating corporate worship and singing.

Personal Growth
Each member of the worship team should seek to grow in their skill of their instrument or voice. Although there are many different levels of musicianship on the team, each should strive to improve through means of practice, lessons, personal research, and coaching conversations with the Worship Director and Tech Director, whether formal or informal. The goal is not to be the best musicians in town, but rather, to bring the best of what we have as an offering to the Lord, for His ultimate glory.
- To consider others above ourselves
- To love our neighbor
- To draw attention to God, not ourselves
- To let our adornment be our countenance, not our clothing
- To consider appropriateness over trendiness
- Policy / Guidelines
- A policy to consider as you choose your outfit for both Thursday practice and Sunday worship
- See “How” below
- Emergency kits
- Acknowledging that things can occur even with the best of planning, an emergency kit will be available in the green room for minor repairs such as missing buttons, etc.
- Emergency Sweaters
- Sweaters of varying sizes will be available for use if deemed necessary.
- If you are asked by senior leadership to wear an emergency sweater, please do so with humility knowing it is from the heart of the “Why” above.
- Best practice would be to follow the rules below to avoid needing an emergency sweater.
- Dresses / skirts
- No dresses or skirts at this time due to the height of the stage.
- Shirts
- Cover shoulders
- No bare shoulders
- No tank tops
- No spaghetti straps
- Cover shoulders
- Cover back
- No holes or gaps in the back
- Cover midriff
- No crop tops
- No exposed skin while arms are raised
- No chance of a wardrobe malfunction
- Cover front
- Modest neckline (no cleavage or plunging)
- Not breast enhancing
- No bra showing
- Not tight / form fitting
- Camis are a girl’s best friend
- Pants
- No leggings or yoga pants (even on Thursday nights)
- Not tight
- Not form fitting
- Not low riding
- No holes
- Easy to hook your pack onto
- Shoes
- Moderate height as we are already higher on the stage
- Comfortable
- Not a tripping hazard
- Wider heel preferred over stiletto
- Please wear pants, not shorts. Jeans are fine as long as they are in nice condition (no holes or rips)
Stay away from graphic t-shirts and tanks
No hats
Do not wear plain black shirts – this will blend in with the back curtain on camera (Sunday Morning)
Do not wear white or plain bright colors – this will not look good on camera (Sunday Morning)
Do not wear close-together stripes – this will have a strange effect on camera (Sunday Morning)
The goal of preparation is to be musically ready for rehearsal and ultimately Sunday service with the standard of undistracting excellence. This means every song, every part, and every transition between songs is MEMORIZED. Once music is memorized, we can lift our eyes and truly lead our church. This is expected to be done before rehearsals and you should be ready to play at Sunday service readiness at rehearsal. At rehearsal we will put together our collective preparation and iron out any inconsistencies.
- Listen to all of the songs in the correct arrangements for the given week
- If there is a question on which arrangement, contact the Worship Director
- Listen multiple times – you want to know what your instrument/voice is going to do in every section of each song
- Listen to how your part fits with the rest of the band – this will prepare you for rehearsal as a band
- Study the given resources on Planning Center
- Know the flow of the song via the chord charts
- Watch the tutorials that are provided for given instruments – you are accountable for these
- Learn from previous Live Streams
- If we have done the song before, pay attention to ABF’s specific arrangements.
- Seek other helpful resources
- Use YouTube to find instrument tutorials or covers
- Research how to best play your instrument in the worship context
- Play with a click or metronome
- Play until you have each song MEMORIZED – charts will be provided at rehearsal but the goal is memorization by Sunday Service
If there is ever a question regarding preparation or Sunday morning, contact the Worship Director.
The goal of weekly rehearsal is to practice each song/element of the weekly service in preparation of the Sunday service. This is NOT the time to learn the music for the weekend; personal preparation should happen before rehearsal.
Rehearsal Times:
- Thursday Night – 6:30pm (unless otherwise specified)
- Sunday Morning – 7:30am (unless otherwise specified)
- Arrive early to set up
- If you are a vocalist, take this time to warm-up
- This includes all instruments set up, in-ears, music stand, etc.
- Be ready for DOWNBEAT at rehearsal times
- If you are going to be late (stuck in traffic/family emergency/scheduling conflict) – text or call the Worship Director ASAP
- Be patient during soundcheck and allow time for Tech Director to adjust
- Chord Charts will be provided for you
- You may use personal printed charts with your notes – just make sure the personal chart matches the given chart in both Key and Arrangement
- Follow directions from Worship Director and ask questions to clarify
- Respectfully point out any areas of growth in performance as you hear them – wait until after Worship Director gives initial feedback
- Adjust your In-ear monitors as needed
- If your mix is not sounding correct or is not helping your play/sing to the best of your ability – ASK FOR HELP. It is the job of the Tech Director and Worship Director to help- so ask!
- Mark down any notes needed in chord chart
- Do not play/talk/make noise while someone is talking or giving notes
- Play through RUNTHROUGH like it is Sunday Morning
- This includes musicianship as well as leadership – make sure our stage presence (body), countenance (face), and singing are joyful and model heartfelt worship – this does not mean perform or be something that you are not, just that we seek to be lead worshipers and worship leaders.
The goal is to ensure that every instrument and voice is heard and is dialed in. This will affect our in-ear monitors, Front of House (FOH) mix, and Live Stream mix so this time is very important.
- Arrive early to set up
- If you are a vocalist, take this time to warm-up
- This includes all instruments set up, in-ears, music stand, etc.
- Only one instrument plays at a time
- Sound check your instrument/voice at performance levels
- Do not talk to ensure clear communication between band and Tech Director
- Be patient and allow time for the Tech Director to adjust
- Ask questions if something is not sounding correct
The goal of Sunday morning is to serve our church by facilitating our service with undistracting excellence in our musical performance and leadership. This is the culmination of all the preparation and rehearsal of music and leadership to serve our people in singing and bringing greatest glory to our Lord.
Sunday Schedule:
- Call-Time – 7:30am – in the Auditorium
- Team Meeting – 7:45am – in the Studio (3rd floor)
- Runthrough – 8:00am – in the Auditorium
Team Meeting:
This is a time for everyone involved in the Sunday service to come together to talk through the Order of Service and answer any questions regarding the morning. There is coffee and some light refreshments in the studio space that everyone is welcome to have. We will close our team meeting in prayer, praying over the service, through the songs, and over our pastor as he brings God’s Word.
- Arrive early to set up
- If you are a vocalist, take this time to warm-up
- This includes all instruments set up, in-ears, music stand, etc.
- Make sure to wear clothes that follow our dress code
- Everyone attends the Team Meeting
- Play through RUNTHROUGH like it is a live service
- This includes musicianship as well as leadership – make sure our stage presence (body), countenance (face), and singing are joyful and model heartfelt worship – this does not mean perform or be something that you are not, just that we seek to be lead worshipers and worship leaders.
- Everyone is on stage during the service countdown
- The worship team will sit during preaching in at least one service
- This is important for core value of Personal Godliness
- If there are no seats available (praise God!), then the worship team will sit in the atrium
- Coffee will still be available during and in between services
- Before, after, and in-between services, greet/talk to members of the congregation
- Sunday morning is a family gathering and it is our joy as leaders of the service to welcome people into our home. There are many stories of how these times of engagement have ministered to our church.
The goal of improvement is that each team member will seek out ways to grow in their musical abilities. It is expected that every team member is seeking to be a better musician and leader for the sake of our church and the sake of God’s glory.
- Everyone learns the Nashville Numbers System for chords
- This is the best way to learn how to transpose
- Seek out helpful resources
- Research how to best play your instrument in the worship context
- Learn how to craft tones and sounds that fit the worship context
- Learn other worship songs outside of the weekly worship set
- It is important to note that worship music is its own genre of music which requires a specific sound and style of playing – this may be different than what you typically listen to so learn this genre of music and how to play it well
- Learn how your instrument fits in the context of a mix
- This can help determine how each instrument is playing and how tone is crafted
Vocal Technique:
Vowel Modification:
Learning how to Harmonize:
How to build a vocal warm up:
Intro to Nashville Numbers:
Philosophy of worship acoustic:
How to play with others:
Strumming and Finger Picking:
Chord Inversions and Alternate Tuning:
Intro to Nashville Numbers:
Electric Rig Overview – Pedals and Amps:
Pedals – Reverb:
Pedals – Overdrive:
Pedals – Delay:
Tips in playing:
Chord Voicings for Electric Guitar:
Chord inversions:
Intro to Nashville Numbers:
Sounds to use:
Live Play-through – Keys 2:
Building Live Sounds:
Intro to Nashville Numbers:
Worship Bass tips:
Intro to Bass:
Synth(Sub) Bass and Electric Bass:
Synth(Sub) Bass Intro:
Intro to Bass:
Dynamics and Transitions:
Patterns and Parts:
Drum and Bass together:
Drums too Loud? What to do:
Small Kit Tutorial:
Small Kit Example:
Small Kit Example:
Interested in serving with AVL? Email Clayton Thornton, AVL Director:
- ProPresenter Tutorials:
- Audio Frequency test / Ear Training:
- Dante Training and Certification:
- Video Tutorials:
- Directing and building camera shot sequences:
- Lighting Basics:
- Auditorium Lighting Console Training:

Jude Song