July 28, 2019 One of the joys of parenthood, in my opinion, is reading good books to your kids. I love to wind down a day with a good read-aloud and the kids spread out on the floor at my feet. One of the books we recently finished was Prince Caspian, the 4th book […]
July 7, 2019
MARK 10:4-52
May 5, 2019 Turn in your Bibles to Mark 10:46-52. Look at one of my favorite stories in the New Testament—this life-changing encounter between a blind beggar named Bartimaeus and Jesus. Throughout the gospel of Mark, Jesus is pictured as the Suffering Servant King, who IDENTIFIES with us in our suffering. So, even though He’s […]
MARK 6:30-44
February 3, 2019 // College Pastor, Josh Hayes