Re|Engage is a Christ-centered discipleship ministry for married couples. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, Re|Engage is a safe space for you and your spouse to reconnect. New semester begins September 4.
Re|Engage is for marriages, between one man and one woman, in any and all conditions. Every marriage will benefit, whether couples are struggling to get along, the marriage seems broken, or they simply want to grow closer together relationally. Previously married couples who are separated or divorced, but might consider reconciling, are also welcome to attend and participate. Re|Engage is not intended for seriously dating, engaged, or cohabitating unmarried couples.
The goal of Re|Engage is not primarily to save couples from divorce, or even to make healthier marriages. The goal of Re|Engage is to fashion couples into better disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe as our hearts better align with God’s plan and desire for our lives, all relationships (including our marriages) will improve. Through the felt need for better (or more tolerable) marriages, couples will come looking for help. Ultimately, what we offer them is Christ.
Another difference is that Re|Engage is a small-groups-based ministry. Unlike traditional counseling or mentoring where couples meet with an individual or one other couple, we believe life (and marriage) transformation best occurs in the context of relationships with others.
Re|Engage meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Registered participants gather for a brief large group meeting at 6:00pm and then break into closed small groups from 6:30-7:30pm to discuss the lesson for the week.
It typically takes 16 weeks to complete the semester. After the semester ends, we encourage members to continue engaging in committed small groups in our life group ministry.
We offer Re|Engage twice every year, beginning in January and August. We meet at Alliance Bible Fellowship on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30pm.
Re|Engage costs $50 per couple. This covers the cost of the two workbooks as well as the celebration night at the end of the semester.